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Generale => News & riflessioni => Topic started by: BrunoB on 18 November 2014, 21:03:44

Title: Giro di recensioni per This War of Mine
Post by: BrunoB on 18 November 2014, 21:03:44

Preso ieri, ma ancora non sono riuscito a giocarci. Sembra però che ne valga la pena:


Gamespot - 8/10

"Is this a game you want to play? No. Is it a game anyone with a beating heart should play? Yes. A million times yes. It's a longform exercise in empathy, a sobering piece of work that fills in the blanks left when all we see of war are the headshots. It's a much-needed course correct in the current shoot-first-ask-questions-never gaming landscape that supposes war is won because one supreme badguy caught a bullet through his brainstem. No: It's won when the people who lived under his boot get to go home."

Digital Spy - 4/5

"That earnest human touch keeps This War of Mine compelling even when you mess up and the rubble all comes tumbling down around you, leaving you just enough hope for the next attempt that you'll dive back in and endure it all again."

Meristation (Spanish Review) - 8/10

"The work of 11 bit Studios is a marvelous cross between the aesthetic of Deadlight and the idea behind Zafehouse Diaries... With no zombies involved. A game about survival at its hardest, deepest, most depressing and most realistic shape. Its setting has that bit of post-apocalyptic game, but actually moves us to a reality that many people lives at many places right now. This War of Mine is the to war games like protest songs to pop-rock ones. A bold, brave and exciting offering that deserves to be played."

GamesBeat - 80/100

"This War of Mine makes the most of its clean, attractive graphics, its moody ambient soundtrack, and the intense, emotional nature of its gameplay. You'll care about your refugees, and you'll want to work hard to keep them healthy, fed, alive, and well. Unfortunately, This War of Mine doesn't make it easy on you. Even when you keep your people alive, you're left with the feeling that you've only marginally improved their existence. If the typical war-based video game is the big blockbuster movie, with tons of special effects and rockets flying overhead as brave well-muscled soldiers stand and give speeches, this game is the indie drama about the consequences of war. It's gripping, a beautiful depiction of an ugly time, and, fittingly, depressing as hell."

God is a Geek - 7/10

"This War of Mine wants you to care about the people who have been affected by the war, rather than soldiers on the front-line. Via conflicting thoughts the characters have, the cast's paper-thin stories and an elementary crafting system, it never fully reaches its potential. But the moments where you're racing across an outpost trying to dodge military fire and robbing someone blind right before their eyes; those are the points where this war does genuinely feel like mine."

Vandal Online (Spanish Review) - 8.5/10

"It is an unique experience, accessible and touching. If you're looking for something different, don't miss it."

Cheat Code Central - 4.3/5

"This War of Mine eats away at your sanguine disposition, and yet you are compelled and determined to keep trying to survive. Each fresh start provides new characters, new locations to scavenge, and new obstacles to overcome. As bleak as the world is portrayed, 11 bit studios has a well polished title that does a masterful job of never letting you feel safe in your home and secure in your belongings. No matter how many hours you invest into bettering your situation, it's a constant struggle to survive in This War of Mine."

Gizorama - 4.5/5

"This War of Mine is challenging and heartbreaking, but it's also an utterly impressive feat of game design. It looks and sounds beautiful in its anguish, and it manages to combine stealth and simulation games into a single seamless experience. Since my initial impression still undoubtedly stands: "This War of Mine is about as brutal as games get, like if Cart Life and Spec Ops: The Line had a baby, and that baby spat on your neck.""

NoobFeed - 95/100

"This War of Mine is the war game we didn't know we wanted, but that we definitely needed. In an industry where war has been so dehumanized and violence is everywhere like it was nothing, This War of Mine creates a new panorama and provides us of a whole new scope from which we can see the true face of horror, the darkest side of humankind and the bravest color of human spirit. This will, definitively, be in my list for game of the year."

Critical Indie Gamer - 9.5/10

"As a game, This War of Mine is sensational, as a story it is gripping, but it is as a statement that it makes its biggest impact. Whilst most of us (hopefully) will never know what it is like to live in a war zone, it's important to know that there are people, like us, out there surviving in horrific situations. It is an unforgettable survival horror game, but not as you know it. 11 Bit's presentation of war is candid, undiluted and bound to leave a lasting impression."

APGNation - 8.4/10

"Overall, This War Of Mine is a very solid title by 11 bit studios. They deal with some really difficult themes and manage to do so in a way that feels right. They have delivered a game that doesn't sacrifice gameplay for the sake of its message. In spite of this, This War Of Mine suffers from just a few "quality of life" problems that ultimately keep it from being a truly stellar title. If you're a fan of difficult games and are looking for something truly unique This War Of Mine is for you. Just remember: war is hell."

Mouse N Joypad - 69/100

"I do have one large gripe with this game though. It seems to focus on playing to the team's strengths, working together and whatnot. But time consuming tasks can only be undertaken by one person. Clearing rubble with your hands takes an eternity, which could easily be sped up by having more than one person work on it. You can make a metalwork table, and subsequently a shovel, but it would be much simpler to just share the workload. This may sound small, but if you only have a certain amount of time to do things in, then every second counts. Plus taking a shovel uses up an inventory space, which could have be used for new objects found in the location, instead of tools."

Gamecrastinate - 9/10

"Fans of base building, survival strategy, or even stealth combat games should really pay attention to This War of Mine. With its focus on storytelling through experiences, This War of Mine has lived up to the hype that's surrounded it in 2014. Even a single play through of this intense game will leave you rethinking your feelings on a lot of things, and probably questioning yourself as a person."

Title: I dev di This War of Mine non si incazzano coi pirati, anzi
Post by: BrunoB on 19 November 2014, 16:12:23
Ho cominciato a giocarci ieri e devo dire che come atmosfera c'è, anche se ho trovato alcune soluzioni nei controlli un po' legnose... ma magari sono io che devo farci pratica. Comunque vince perché uno dei protagonisti si chiama come me.

Ad ogni modo, il gioco è stato ovviamente piratato, ma agli sviluppatori va bene, e anzi sono intervenuti a dare il loro beneplacito in un forum pirata:

QuoteIt's Karol from 11 bit studios, the developers of This War of Mine.

We are really happy to hear that you like our game. They prove, that spending 2 years on it was worth it.

I would like to say thank you to everyone, who decides to buy the game and support us – because of that we'll be able to develop TWoM further and create even better games in the future.

If because of some reasons you can't buy the game, it's ok. We know life, and we know, that sometimes it's just not possible.

Here are some codes for the steam copy of the game, so some of you can take a look at it. And if you like the game after spending few hours in, then just spread the word, and you'll help us a lot.

