[FILM][FP90] After the Dark

Started by sickk, 7 May 2014, 23:00:48

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Mirco ha il televisore in casa e lo usa per vedere film, come questo.


Mr. Zimit (James D'Arcy), a philosophy teacher at an international school in Jakarta, has been challenging his class of twenty with thought exercises to prepare them for their futures out in the world. On the last day of school, he holds a final exercise in which he posits an oncoming atomic apocalypse. There is a bunker ready to shelter them for a year, but it only has supplies for ten people. Zimit asks his students to decide who of them should be allowed into the shelter. The top student in the class, Petra (Sophie Lowe), initially refuses to participate, but Zimit threatens to lower James' academic score if she doesn't.

Per maggiori informazioni: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/After_the_Dark