La principale artefice degli ultimi progressi del Dolphin è una donna

Started by BrunoB, 10 October 2014, 07:28:09

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E insomma, salta fuori che tutte le ottimizzazioni che hanno fatto progredire il Dolphin negli ultimi tempi sono opera di una donna, tale Fiora Aeterna, che s'è aggiunta al team di sviluppo da un paio di mesi, dopo un po' di titubanze dato che nel team sono tutti maschi eccetto un membro.

Quote"Getting involved in Dolphin was a bit nerve-wracking at first; I'd never really contributed to an open source project before," Fiora wrote in an email when I reached out to talk about the emulator's recent improvements. "It was an internal conflict for me for many years; on the one hand, there was so much cool open source stuff I wanted to work on, but on the other hand it could be really intimidating (with the 50:1 gender ratio certainly not helping). The inspiration to try out Dolphin actually came from the realization they already had a female team member (Rachel Bryk)—I figured if she found it okay, maybe I should try too? My hope ended up being justified: Dolphin's team was really unusually helpful and friendly, and never seemed like the sort to mock me for having seemingly dumb questions."

Fiora fa la programmatrice di professione, e la passione le è venuta da piccola, quando si scaricò un emulatore Game Boy per giocare coi Pokémon.
