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Topics - Nabucodorozor

Amici ma soprattutto amiche di Free Playing, l'amico Phillone Fish ha twittato la sua su TLoU (sì, quello che a mani basse è l'evidente Citizen Kane dei videogiochi)

the last of us is damned impressive!

Ma subito dopo:
TLOU is impressive but it's still a guy with a gun going around murdering everybody. it's always a guy with a gun. :( the first hour is amazing. then you walk into an obvious combat arena with obvious cover and you start shooting bullets out of your gun.
E ancora:
im enjoying it VERY MUCH, but i can't help but be a bit disappointed that it's still just *that* kind of game. how many guys does the dude in children of men kill? like what, two maybe? and there was still conflict, there was still action! tons of it!

E poi si perde a parlare della famigerata dissonanza ludonarrativa:

it's cool guys, it's a good game. but one day somebody is going to make a game where you all you do is walk around and have it still be good
i want a AAA combatless shenmue, basically.
idea to fix ludonarrative dissonance: stop making games about mass murder.

Non solo, propone anche il metodo Von Trier come regola per i game designer:

Voi che ne pensate? La speranza è quella di poterne parlare domani in diretta col buon Fabio, visto che stiamo giocando TLoU e c'è evidentemente molto da dire, soprattutto visti i millemila dieci che sono fioccati.

Free Playing, il podcast che appoggia la spocchia di Phil Fish!

(I tweet non sono tradotti ché sto in ufficio, sorry)